索尼公司以适应环境变化为出发点 ,以改革公司资源配置、权力配置为手段 ,以为市司的应变力、决策力、创新力、执行力 ,为索尼在竞争中赢得成功提供了保障。我国企业应借鉴索尼系统化改革的经验 ,从关注企业经营环境变化、挖掘内部资源潜力等方面努力。
Based on meeting the needs of the changeable environment and by means of reforming company resources allocation and power allocation, Sony's systematic reform aims at gaining benefits and providing competitive products, which strengthened Sony's adaptability, decision making ability, innovation ability as well as execution ability and guaranteed the success of Sony in competition. China's enterprises should learn from the experience of Sony's systematic reform, focusing on enterprises' operation environment change and tapping inner resources potentialities.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies