【目的】探讨氯胺酮是否影响人嗜中性粒细胞 (PMN)粘附分子表达。【方法】对分离的人全血细胞用甲酰甲硫氨酰 -亮氨酰 -苯丙氨酸 (FMLP)或豆蔻酰佛波醇乙酯 (PMA)刺激 ,加入不同浓度氯胺酮后孵化 ,用针对CD18或CD6 2L的单抗标定 ,再通过流式细胞计数了解CD18或CD6 2L在PMN表面的表达情况。【结果】FMLP或PMA刺激PMN可引起细胞表面的CD18表达和CD6 2L蜕落增加 ,氯胺酮对此具浓度依赖性抑制作用 ,且对CD18表达的抑制用与立体构型无关。【结论】氯胺酮具抗粘附作用 ,该作用不似通过与特异受体的反应实现的 ,在趋炎性反应亢进的病人的麻醉镇痛时可以优先考虑选用该药。
To investigate the possible effects of ketamine on adhesion molecule expression of polymorphonuclear leukocytes Washed human whole blood cells were stimulated with N formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine (FMLP) or phorbol 12 myristate 13 acetate (PMA) and incubated with ketamine, then their CD18 and CD62L expressions were determined flowcytometrically after monoclonal antibody labelling Ketamine inhibited stimulated CD18 up regulation and CD62L down regulation on human PMN Suppression of CD18 up regulation was dose dependent but not stereo selective [Conclusion] Ketamine suppresses leukocyte pro inflammatory adhesion molecule changes, which is unlikely mediated through specific receptor interaction Therefore it could be one of choice of analgiosedative drugs for patients under overly proinflammatory situation
Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences
德国海德堡大学科研基金资助项目 (IRF0 0 5 4 98)