以盐酸 -硝酸混合酸一次性溶样 ,然后对部分试液一次性冒烟处理 ,实现了不锈钢中 Si、Ti、 Mo、 P、 Ni、 Mn、 Cr、 V等 8种成分的联合测定。测定方法简便、快速 ,测定结果令人满意。
Using the mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid to solve the sample and then heating part of the sample solution till smoke is out,joint determination of the eight kinds of the elements,i e Si,Ti,Mo,P,Ni,Mn,Cr and V in stainless steel is made It is a simple and quick testing method by which accurate results can be obtained.
M-Sized Nitrogenous Fertilizer Progress