面对“大社会、大服务”的社会需求 ,档案工作发展的明显滞后阻碍了档案事业的发展。本文从档案界目前出现的新生事物出发 ,提出了档案工作的新理念 ,以强化档案服务功能为基础 ,创新传统的档案工作方式方法 。
In order to satisfy the needs of society:'the bigger the society is,the better the service is,'the slow progress of archival work obviously prevent the development of the archival cause.This essay discusses the new ideas in archival work on the basis of the new things occurring in the archival field.It also proposes the totally new working methods in the traditional archival work to the function of archival service can be smoothly solved.
Journal of Mengzi Teachers' College