以CMS-3型载人磁悬浮列车的车载微机监控系统为对象,提出磁悬浮列车微机监控系统的基本功能和要求,介绍了车辆级和列车级的监控系统,文章重点对基于CAN bus的车辆总线和基于CAN bus 和PROFIBUS的列车总线进行了论述,对基于DPC31的PROFIBUS的智能从站进行了介绍。给出了总线冗余的具体设计方案和措施,对磁悬浮列车微机监控系统及其网络系统进行了车载试验,提出了改进措施。最后对该微机监控系统在八达岭示范线的应用中可能遇到的问题进行了分析和讨论。
Basic functions and requirement of the microcomputer monitor system of maglev train are advanced in the light of on-boardsystem of CMS-3 maglev passenger train. Vehicle and train level monitor system are introduced. A wide coverage is given to the vehicle busbased on CAN bus as well as the train bus based on CAN bus and PROFIBUS. The PROFIBUS intelligent slave station based on DPC31is presented. Design scheme and measures of bus redundancy are given. On-board test is done to the microcomputer system and networksystem with improvement measures proposed. In the end, possible problems during applications of the system to Badaling line are analyzedand discussed.
Electric Drive for Locomotives