从1984年开始,在利用本地油松毛虫平腹小蜂Anastatus sp.(简称“京平”下同)的同时,从广东移殖了荔蝽卵平腹小蜂Anastatus sp.(简称“广平”下同)供试,经室内繁殖试验,“广平”每头雌蜂平均产子数可达238.7头,“京平”仅为209头.而且“广平”的雌性子代92%是在32天内产出,“京平”在相同时间内雌性子代产出仅为66%。1984~1985连续两年利用上述两种小蜂采用室内繁蜂柜大量繁殖,在北京密云水库库西林区进行林间放蜂对比试验,结果“广平”的平均寄生率(23.77%)比“京平”(5.34%)高出4~5倍,对照区平均寄生率为1.40%.1986~1989年,在秦皇岛英武山林区连续四年进行林间放蜂对比试验,结果“广平”的平均寄生率为39.13%,“京平”平均寄生率为4.72%,对照为0.88%,从上述试验可初步看出,移殖广东荔蝽卵平腹小蜂在北京及秦皇岛地区防治赤(油)松毛虫比本地平腹小蜂(“京平”)具有更好的利用前景。
Since 1984, we have carried out experiments on the colonization of Anastatus sp. from Guangdong province in north China for the control of pine caterpillars. Dendrolimus tabulaeformis & D, spectabilis, and also the local population of Anastatus sp. were used in the experiments. Through artificial reproduction in the laboratory, it was found that per female individual of the colonized population the oviposition off spring was 238.7, where as the local population only reproduced 209. In addition, 92 percent of the colonized population completed their development within 32 days, but of the local population only 66 percent completed development in the same period. In 1984 and 1985 a forest release experiment on wasps as a means of controlling the pine caterpillar population was performed in Miyun county, Beijing. The parasitic rate of the colonized population was 4 to 5 times that of the local population (colonized. 23.77%, local. 5.34%). The parasitic percentage in the control field, due to natural parasitism, was 1.4%. In addition, from 1986 to 1989, in Qinghuangdao, Hebei province, a further release experiment showed that the parasitic percentage of the colonized population was 7 times that of the local population, From the above experiments, we conclude that the colonization of Anastatus sp. from Guangdong to north China to control the pine caterpillar population would appear to be the most promising tactic.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University
Ana status sp., colonization, mass culture,inundative release for Dendrolimus sp. control in forest