举世瞩目的三峡工程规模浩大,技术复杂,漫长的十七年工期将给安全生产带来什么样的考验和结果,其安全管理又是怎样进行的? 三峡工程在“企业负责,国家监察,行业管理,群众监督”的安全生产管理体制下引进了专职安全监理工程师参与安全管理,这在我国大型水利水电工程项目管理中尚属首次,应当说是一种新的尝试。
The full-time safety supervision and management engineers are invited to participate in the safety management of Three Gorges Project under the work safety management system whose principles include 'accountability of enterprises, supervision by the State, management by the industrial sector and monitoring by the broad masses'. It is the first and new attempt in the management of large-scale water conservancy and hydropower engineering project in our country.
Modern Occupational Safety