从GDP中扣除对资源浪费和生态破坏所造成的损失 ,坚持在生产、流通、分配、消费各个方面为可持续发展战略服务 ,是绿色经济运行的基本要求。国际上发展绿色经济已经形成了完整的理论体系和规章制度。我国发展绿色经济还存在着许多亟待解决的问题。应当认清本国特色 ,把环保产业作为我国的第一大产业 ,从营造绿色环境、完善绿色制度、加强绿色激励、强化绿色考核等方面做好工作 ,以促使我国生态经济的快速发展。
Deduct loss form the GDP with resources and ecological disturbance,persist in sustainable development strategy in many side,is essential featuresofgreen economy.On the intemational,develop green economy had the ory and rules system.There are question on develop green economy in china,must get a clear understanding of the situation,positive develop environmental protection property,construct green environment,perfected green system,strengthen green encourage,impel green economy fast development.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University