

Discovery of MHC Restriction in Antigen Recognition of T Cells
摘要 T细胞只能识别抗原提呈细胞表面特定的抗原肽MHC分子复合物,这就是T细胞抗原识别的MHC限制。这一现象是由澳大利亚的Peter.C.Doherty与瑞士的Rolf.M.Zinkernagel在实验时偶然发现的。之后,为了解释这一现象,他们又提出了两个模型:双重受体假说和修饰自身假说。在以后的20多年里,众多的科学家对这一现象做了大量相关的研究,逐步弄清了细胞介导的免疫反应的全过程,极大地推动了免疫学以及许多其他相关知识领域的发展。 T cell can only recognize specific antigenic peptide-MHC complex on antigen-presenting cell.This is MHC restriction in antigen recognition of T cell.This phenomenon was discovered by an Austrian scientist Peter.C.Doherty and a Swedish scientist Rolf.M.Zinkernagel by chance.Then,in order to explain the phenomenon,they proposed two hypotheses:dual receptor and modified self.In the during following20years numbers of scientists spent great amount of time in the study of the phenomenon.The process of cell-mediated immune response becomes clear,which greatly promotes the advancing of immunology and many related disciplines.
出处 《中国医学科学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期539-540,F003,共3页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae
关键词 T细胞 抗原识别 MHC限制 T cell antigen recognition MHC restriction
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