文章研究了长白山地区山野豌豆(Viciaamoena Fisch)、胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor Turcz)、紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa L.)、榛子叶(Corylaceae leaf)和柞树叶(Xylosma racemosum leaf)叶片中水分、粗蛋白(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和粗灰分(Ash)等常规营养成分以及总酚、简单酚、单宁和缩合单宁的含量随生育期推移的变化动态,借此来评价这5种植物的饲用价值。结果表明:随着生育期的推移,5种植物叶片中CP和水分含量呈下降趋势,而NDF、ADF及Ash表现为上升的趋势;样品中总酚、简单酚、单宁、缩合单宁含量随生育期的推移表现不规则波浪型变化,总体呈现下降趋势,且在不同种类植物之间差异明显,说明植物种类是影响植物酚类含量的主要因素。通过营养成分以及相对饲用价值(RFV)的测定发现5种植物都具有可观的饲用价值,而且通过试验对其单宁含量动态的分析,为这5种饲草的合理利用提供数据支持,充分发挥植物单宁保护过瘤胃蛋白及防止膨胀病等功能,深度挖掘长白山地区这5种常见饲草的应用潜能。
The experiment took the leaves of viciaamoena fisch, lespedeza bicolor turcz, amorpha fruti-cosa L., corylaceae, and xylosma racemosum, which were collected in Changbai Mountain area, as theobjects to study the dynamic changes in the process of growth by analyzing the content of moisture, CP,NDF, ADF, crude ash and some other common nutrition component, as well as total polyphenols, sim-ple polyphenols, tannins and condensed tannins in these samples. Then using the above researches eval-uates the feeding value of the five kinds of plants. The results showed as followed: In the process ofgrows, the contents of CP and moisture showed a downward trend, while the contents of NDF, ADF andAsh showed an upward trend. In the process of grows, there were significantly different among the fivedifferent kinds of plants in terms of the contents of total polyphenols, simple polyphenols, tannins, andcondensed tannins that changed in an irregular wave type but were on a downward trend. The resultsdemonstrates that the plant specie is the main factor influencing the plant phenolic content. Throughthe determination of nutrient content and RFV, it can be drawn that all the five kinds of plants haveconsiderable feeding value. In addition, the dynamically analyzing of tannin content provides data sup-porting for the rational using of these five kinds of forage, takes full advantage of the vegetable tannin'sfunctions such as protecting rumen bypass pro-tein and preventing bloat and taps out the appli-cation potential of the five kinds of common for-age in Chang Bai Mountain region further.
Feed Industry
nutrient content
dynamic analysis
feeding value