
具有脉冲的生态传染病模型周期解的存在性(英文) 被引量:5

Existence of periodic solution in eco-epidemic system with impulsive effect
摘要 研究了一个具有脉冲周期的传染病模型.利用Floquet理论给出了平凡周期解、半平凡周期解及无病周期解线性稳定的条件.利用重合度理论,得到了正周期解的存在性.给出了系统持久的充分条件.数值模拟验证了理论结果的正确性. In this paper ,a periodic system with impulsive effect is investigated .By using the Floquet theory of linear periodic impulsive equation ,the stability of trivial periodic ,semi-trivial periodic solution and infection-free periodic solution are obtained .By using the coincidence de-gree theory the existence of positive periodic solutions is obtained .A sufficient condition to guarantee the system to be permanent is provided .Furthermore ,numerical analysis is given to confirm our theoretical results .
出处 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 2014年第3期315-321,共7页 Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11101323) the Shaanxi Provincal Education Grant(12JK0879)
关键词 生态传染病模型 FLOQUET理论 重合度理论 eco-epidemic model Floquet theory coincidence degree theory
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