目的 了解抗精神病药物与女性患者月经周期紊乱的关系。方法 观察住院病人129例,分别服用氯丙嗪34例,氯氮平29例,维思通18例,合并用药48例,服药后对月经周期影响的评定、对有月经同期紊乱的患者予减药观察,以证明月经周期紊乱与抗精神病药物的关系。结果 129例患者的387个月经周期中144个发生紊乱。主要表现为经期延长,尤以氯丙嗪及合并用药所致经期延长更明显。结论 抗精神病药物可引起月经周期紊乱,在临床应用时应予以注意。
[Objective]To find out the disordered menstrual cycle of some female patients associated with the antipsychotics. [Methods]The article has looked into 129 patients altogether, 34 of them were given cholorpromazine, 29 were given clozapine, 18 were given resperidone and 48 were given a combination of the above medicines. Judgment was made on patients who have taken the medicine. Patients with abnormal menstrual cycle were observed with decreased amount of medicines in order to verify the relationship between the antipsychotics and the disordered menstrual cycle. [Results] among 387 menstrual cycles of 129 patients, the incidence of disordered menstrual cycle amount to 144. The main manifestation is the extension of the menstrual cycle, especially when the doctors utilize chlorpromazine or the combination of the antipsychotics on them. [Conclusion] Antipsychotics may induce the disorder of the menstrual cycle. Attention should be paid to this risk.
Occupation and Health