在加入WTO以后 ,对中国的零售业来说 ,机遇和挑战并存。为把握机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,就必须全面分析我国零售业的发展现状 ,准确把握其跳动的脉搏。面对来自国外零售巨头进驻所带来的强烈冲击波 ,作者认为 ,我国零售业应直面竞争 ,不屈不挠 ,奋发图强 ,迅速进行营销战略调整。培育企业核心竞争力 ,实行现代化的管理模式 ,积极发展新型零售业态 ,营造舒适的购物环境等 。
There are not only opportunities but also challenges in retail industry in China after entering the WTO.To seize the opportunity and accept the challenge,we should analyses the present situation of the retail development comprehensively and grasp its pulse.Facing the foreign retail magnates' intensive assault,the author believes that what the domestic retail industry should do is to face the competition bravely,adjust the marketing strategy as soon as possible and go all out to improve the competition power of the enterprise.The main problems that must be noticed in the adjustment are:developing a brand new retail industry,adopting modern managements, creating comfortable purchasing circumstances and so on.This article first analyses the present situation and displays some shortcomings of the retail industry such as the loose macro-control,superficial marketing analysis etc,then points out four conflicts in the retail field and finally comes to the concrete adjustments.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan Polytechnic University