我国城市洪涝灾害频繁发生,造成了严重的经济损失和人员伤亡。分析城市洪水风险是开展城市防洪减灾工作的重要基础。本文综合利用SCS、水动力学和城市排水3类模型,考虑泵站、涵闸等工程的联合调度等,对安徽省蚌埠市24 h不同设计频率暴雨产流、汇流、排水和洪水演进过程进行了模拟,分析了蚌埠市的洪水风险,为蚌埠市防汛防洪提供参考。
In recent years ,urban flood disasters occur frequently in China, causing serious economic losses and casualties. The analysis of urban flood risk is an important basis for urban flood control and disaster reduction. In this study, SCS hydrology, hydraulic and urban drainage models are coupled to simulate runoff, confluence, drainage and flood routing processes of various design frequency storm in urban area of Bengbu City. Integrated management of pumps and gates are considered in the models. According to the simulation results, flood risk in Bengbu City is analyzed.
2015年第4期21-24 68,68,共5页
China Flood & Drought Management