
石油库安全监控系统的设计与开发 被引量:1

Design and development of depot safety monitor system.
摘要 介绍了青岛石油分公司第一油库安全监控系统的设计与应用。油库安全监控系统是在安全管理的基础上,采用先进的计算机技术把油库诸多危险因素和危险参数给予实时监测、报警和控制,以减少事故发生的安全管理系统。该系统自投用以来性能稳定可靠,实时性好,报警迅速灵敏,操作简便,大大提高了安全管理水平。 Design and application of safety monitor system at No. 1 oil depot of Qingdao petroleum company is introduced. Based on safety management, the system can monitor many peril factors, give an alarm and prevent accidents timely, which will reduce the frequency of accidents. Use of the system can upgrade safety management.
出处 《石油库与加油站》 2002年第5期19-22,共4页 Oil Depot And Gas Station
关键词 石油库 计算机 安全监控系统 设计 开发 oil depots, safety monitor system, design, and use
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