经对赤水市旅游景区部分景点的考察和资料订正表明 ,该景区各点太阳辐射年总量为2 4 6 8.0~ 314 2 .2MJ/m2 ,年实照时间 4 5 1.5~ 86 9.2h ,年日照百分率为 9.7%~ 18.6 % ,为贵州省乃至全国最低值区之一 ;年平均气温为 14 .1~ 17.4℃ ,年降水量 899.7~ 16 6 1.0mm ,年均相对湿度 81%左右 ,年均绝对湿度 14 .2~ 17.3hPa ;景区各点地形遮蔽 ,多云寡照 ,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑 ,气候宜人 ;根据生物气候指数可知 :赤水景区可全年开展旅游业 ,4~ 10月是旅游的舒适季节 ,其中5、6。
Based on observation and datum reduction of some landscape spots of Chishui ,the climate parameters of the landscape are as follows :annual amount of solar radiation is 2 468.0-3 142.2 MJ/m 2,annual sunshine duration 451.5-869.2 hours, annual percentage of sunshine 9.7%-18.6%.These showed that this region is one of areas with the lowest sunshine and solar radiation values in Guizhou province and even in China.Annual mean temperature is 14.1-17.4℃,annual precipitation is between 899 7-1 661 0mm,annual mean relativity humidity about 81%, annual mean absolute humidity 14.2-17 3hPa.There are much cloud and little sunlight in the region with most shadeness, and mild warmth and wetness, meanwhile no frostiness in winter and torridity in summer, so the climate of Chishui landscape spot is comfortable. According to bio climatic index, April to October is comfortable tourism season for Chishui city, May, June and September are the optimum periods for tourism.