标题的英译与语句、语篇的翻译有着本质的不同 :不仅要实现语义的准确传达 ,还要使其在形上“标新立异” ,更要实现其功能的有效转换。从一定意义上来说 ,语形比语义更为重要。要从语言、文化的角度 ,美学的角度入手 ,才能做到“形神皆备”
Title translation is essentially different from that of sentences and texts in that the former focuses on the accurate transfer of meaniny,pays special attention to the style transfer and carries out an efficient function tranfer.In a sense, style is more important than meaning.Only if we start from the point of view of language ,culture and aesthetics,can we 'hold both style and expression'in title translation.
Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Social Science Edition)