With the Africa was incorporated into western colonial territory,under the strong influence of western culture, African dramas have diversifiedstyle and creolized language, which show the picture of African theatre in theglobalization era. native drama and western drama and the African western dramacoexist in Africa. The plays written by european languages or the Africa nativelanguage lived together. arisen in the colonial times, Africa western drama isbecoming the most outstanding achievements in modern drama in Africa with two categories, i. e. written by the native language or the European language. Africawestern drama merges the eastern and western dramatic cultural tradition togeth-er and has the features of the general art. The diaspora African drama combinedAfrican culture with the culture of other countries, African-American drama alsohas characteristics of the general art. The geneal art guides the developmenttrend of contemporary African drama, and provides an opportunity for the trans-formation of African drama research methodology.
African Studies