
喀麦隆教育中的殖民影响 被引量:1

The Colonial Influence in Cameroon Education
摘要 在全球化和区域化的大背景下,从传统教育得到的讨论和拨款的视角来看,喀麦隆沦为殖民地后丧失了教育方面的重要传统特色。本文的目的是论证殖民化这个世界性问题对喀麦隆教育造成的严重破坏。通过对芳—贝蒂族这一案例研究的文献综述,笔者重新审视了殖民对传统社会的影响。在与西方文化接触之前,传统教育讲究实用性、功能性和职业性。就芳—贝蒂族地区而言,教育是社会组织的脊柱。通过启蒙和观察,老一代把知识传授给年轻一代,使传统信仰得以传承并适应新的环境。可以说,芳—贝蒂族的课程设置是教会年轻人掌握职业能力,以便他们能够为社会整体福祉发挥自己的作用。而基于男女之间的互补性,人们采取性别差异化的教育方法。在父系社会中,年轻男孩受训如何掌控社群;但对年轻女孩的教育也相当重要,年轻女孩被认为是潜在的部落使者。芳—贝蒂族实行异族通婚,通过婚姻纽带,两个部落可以结为同盟。因此,年轻女孩需要接受良好的教育。然而,殖民改变了一切。殖民主子认为传统的教育体系野蛮落后,予以禁止,采取同化政策,以殖民政府的文化取代本土文化。即使殖民结束后,本土文化仍被教育政策制定者所忽视。 From the perspective of discussion and appropriation of traditional education, with the background of globalization and regionalization,Cameroon has lost important traditional features in education after coloniza-tion. The purpose of this paper is to show how far colonization, a worldwideproblem has been particularly devastating to Cameroon education. Using the lit-erature review in the case study of Fang-Beti group, I examine the effects ofcolonization in the traditional society. Before contacting with western culture,education was practical, functional and vocational. In the Fang-Beti area, edu-cation was the backbone of the social organization. By initiation, observation,old generation impart knowledge to youths in order to perpetuate traditional be-liefs and survive to their environment. So to say, curriculum in the Fang-Betigroup is all about how youths should be given a work force in the vocational wayso that they would be able to play their role in the welfare of the whole communi-ty. Thus, the gender approach was based to the complementarity between menand women. Although the young boy was educated to be in control to the commu-nity due to the patrilineal kinship, the education of the young girl was quite im-portant. Because the young girl was considered as potential ambassador due tothe fact that the Fang-Beti practice the exogamy, because of the marriage, analliance can be settled between two clans therefore young girl need to be well ed-ucated. However, the colonialism changed everything. Previous education systemwas considered as barbaric and was banned by colonial master, who put inplace the policy of assimilation of colonial government’s culture in place of theindigenous culture, which is still being neglected by the educational policymakers even the colonialism end.
作者 马拉·克里斯托弗·尼古拉斯 Mala Christophe Nicolas
机构地区 不详
出处 《非洲研究》 2017年第2期193-210,共18页 African Studies
关键词 殖民 教育 芳—贝蒂族 Colonization Education Fang-Beti
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