
大麦棱形和芒形的遗传分析 被引量:2

Genetic Study On Prism Quantity And Awned Shape Of Barley
摘要 作为中国第四大粮食作物的大麦,随着社会的发展和人们物质文化生活水平的提高,要求培育出产量更高、品质更优、抗病性更强、适应性更广的大麦新品种。而大麦的棱数和芒形是影响其产量的重要因素之一,对其芒形和棱数的遗传分析是必要的。利用大粒麦×印度矮生杂交组合进行穗部两对性状(二棱与六棱、钩芒与直芒)的遗传研究。结果表明这两对性状均属单基因控制,二棱是显性,六棱是隐性;钩芒是显性,直芒是隐性。F 1表现二棱直芒,F 2四种表型的分离比符合9:3:3:1,属自由组合规律。 Barley is the fourth food crop in China.With the social development and people's material and cultural living standards improve,new barley varieties which are higher yields,better quality, stronger disease resistance and wider adaptability are required.Row type and mans type of barley is one of the important factors which affects barley's production.So row shape and mans shape of genetic analysis is necessary.The paper reports the genetic study on pairs of relative characters at the Dalimai× India Aisheng.The two pairs of relative characters are wirh two-six prisms and bendstraight awn.The result shows that they all belong to monogenic control and the two prisms are of dominance,the six prisms are of recessive,the bend awn is of dominance,the straight awn is of recessive.The two prisms and bend awn appear from F1.The segeration ratio of the characters in F2 is in agreement with 9:3:3:1,which is in accordance wirh rhe law of random combination.
作者 陈卫英
出处 《福建农业》 2014年第8期144-146,共3页
关键词 大麦 棱数 芒形 遗传 barley prism quantity awn shap heredity
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