
嵌入式大气数据传感系统校准方法研究 被引量:2

A Calibration Method of the Flush Airdata Sensing System
摘要 针对嵌入式大气数据传感系统的空速校准问题,提出了一种基于释放气象探空气球获取试验空域的大气静压、静温、风速风向等大气数据,以此为基础进行空速校准的方法。通过对比动静压和真空速2种方法计算获得的马赫数结果,验证该方法的有效性。试验结果表明,该方法简单、有效,可为此类大气数据传感系统的空速校准提供参考。 Against the airspeed calibration for The Flush Airdata Sensing(FADS)system,this paper focused on a new calibration method to get the air data of static pressure,static temperature,wind speed and wind direction utilizing weather balloons.Compared two calculation results of Mach with dynamic-static pressure and true airspeed,the fight test results demonstrated this method was reasonable and effective,and can provide a reference for calibrating the flush airdata sensing system.
作者 刘朝君 孙健 严子奕 LIU Zhaojun;SUN Jian;YAN Ziyi(Aircraft Flight Test Technology Institute,Xi’an710089,China;Xi’an Aeronautical University,Xi’an710089,China)
出处 《飞机设计》 2019年第2期49-52,共4页 Aircraft Design
关键词 嵌入式大气数据传感系统 气象探空气球 空速校准 the flush airdata sensing system weather balloons airspeed calibration
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