
面向风景园林数字化设计教学的开源硬件设计实验初探 被引量:2

An Elementary Study on Experiment of Open Source Hardware Design for Digital Design Teaching of Landscape Architecture
摘要 借助嵌入式系统搭建装置原型,编写程序处理测量数据,通过小环境因子动态变化捕捉实验、装置灯具互动实验和水流源点动态记录实验,探索面向风景园林数字化设计教学的开源硬件设计实验。小环境因子动态变化捕捉实验利用所搭建测量设备的便携性和数据无线传输的能力,选定游走动线,在环境变化相对稳定的时间段内,获取环境因子测量值沿动线的剖面线,深入探索地物变化与小环境因子之间的关系。装置灯具互动实验引入嵌入式系统和各类环境传感器的应用,探索装置与环境变化的响应,以及装置与人互动的方式,寻求更能自然引发互动行为发生的机制,为进一步的互动艺术装置实验提供必要参考。水流源点动态记录实验源于风景园林专业课程实验,借助已有物理模型,通过视觉追踪捕捉随水流漂移的物体、收集坐标数据并记录轨迹,为教学实验提供了数字化渗入的可能。 This paper develops prototype installations with an embedded system and processes measured data by writing programmes. It explores how to improve digital design teaching of landscape architecture by exploring designs of open source hardware through experiments for capturing dynamic changes to small environmental factors, installation-lamp interaction experiments, and experiments for keeping dynamic records regarding sources of water flow. In the experiments for capturing dynamic changes to small environmental factors, flow routes are selected by developed portable measurement devices and wireless data transmissions. Within the period when environmental changes are relatively stable, the section lines along the flow routes are identified for measurements of the environmental factors to lay a foundation for intensively exploring relationships between feature changes and small environmental factors in terms of data. Embedded systems and various environmental sensors are applied in the installation-lamp interaction experiments to examine responses to installations and environmental changes as well as ways of interactions between installations and people, in an attempt to find a mechanism which can better induce interactions, so as to provide necessary references for further experiments about interactive art installations. The experiments for keeping dynamic records concerning sources of water flow derive from specialized experiments of landscapes. In these experiments, existing physical models are used for capturing objects which drift with water flow, collecting data about coordinates and recording trajectories via visual tracking, in order to make it possible for digitalizing teaching experiments.
出处 《风景园林》 2017年第11期41-45,共5页 Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 数字化 装置实验 编程语言 landscape architecture digitalization device experiment programming language
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