约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫被尊称为'近代音乐之父',他把西欧不同民族的音乐风格融为一体,在18世纪创作出很多脍炙人口的曲子。如今,在巴赫诞辰334年之际,谷歌公司也为巴赫准备了一份神奇的'礼物'.难词扫障1.doodle n.涂鸦2.melody n.旋律3.animated adj.动画的4.browser n.浏览器5.attribute v.把……归因于.
Johann Sebastian Bach is getting a very modern celebration onwhat would be his 334th birthday. The composer was honored with hisvery own Google Doodle—and the Doodle itself is making a bit of history:It's the first to be powered by artificial intelligence.The AI Google Doodle allows users to create their own tunes, likeBach did back in the 18th century. The Doodle uses machine learning toharmonize melodies. It can turn your music into a Bach-inspired piece,or a compound of Bach and 80s rock—only if you find a hidden “Easteregg” in the Doodle, Google announced.