建立了一套地区发展实力的指标体系 ,利用《中国统计年鉴》1998年~ 2 0 0 0年 3年统计资料的平均值 ,定量分析了我国除西藏外的 30个省、市、区的经济发展实力、科教社会发展实力、人力资源实力和国民经济综合实力 ,并对其进行排序和分类 ,继而提出了增强我国地区发展实力的对策建议。
By making use of the data provided by 'China Statistical Yearbook'(1998~2000),the paper analyzes,classifies and reorder the strength in different fields of the nation's 30 pro- vinces or autonomous regions except Tibet. Therefore,an index system is established. Suggestions for under-developed regions to strengthen their development power is also put forward in the paper.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management