目的 探讨重点人群弓形虫感染情况及危险因素 ,为制定防治对策提供依据。方法 应用PCR检测弓形虫DNA ,ELISA检测弓形虫特异抗体IgM和IgG。检测婚前妇女、孕妇、屠宰工人及兽医师 (下简称职业人群 )等重点人群的弓形虫感染情况 ,分析不同人群感染率的差异和DNA、IgM、IgG的相互关系及其在监测弓形虫感染上的价值。结果 检测重点人群 775人 ,各项阳性率分别为DNA 2 78% (2 1/ 75 6 )、IgM 3 80 % (2 8/ 736 )、IgG 5 79% (2 2 /380 ) ;三项同时检测总阳性率为 14 17% (5 2 / 36 7) ,其中活动性感染率为 5 80 % (42 / 72 4 ) ,以职业人群的 10 34%为最高 ,次为婚前妇女的 6 6 0 %。结论 江门市重点人群普遍存在弓形虫感染 ,为控制弓形虫感染 ,尤其先天性感染对优生优育的影响 ,应加强弓形虫感染防治研究 ,普及防治知识 ,建立婚 (孕 )前和产前监测制度 ,孕前发现阳性者应待治疗阴转后再怀孕 ,孕期发现阳性者及时进行阻断性治疗或终止妊娠 ,以免娩出畸形儿、缺陷儿。
Objective To investigate thetoxoplasma infection in major population and it′s risk factors in Jiangmen. Methods Sera samples were collected and tested fortoxoplasma DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR),and for anti-toxoplasma antibody IgM and IgG by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA).Results 775 Cases of major population were surveyed. The single positive rates of DNA, IgM and IgG tests were 2 78% (21/756), 3 80% (28/736) and 5 79% (22/380), respectively. The total positive rate was 14 17% (52/367), among which, active infection rate was 5 80%(42/724). Infection rate of the occupation people was the highest, 10 34%, and of the unmarried women was the second, 6 60%.Conclusion Toxoplasma infection was common in major population of Jiangmen City. Therefore, strengthening health education, prevention, treatment studies and establishing a system of routine surveillance ontoxoplasma infection for pre-pregnant and early pregnant women were extremely important.
Journal of Tropical Medicine