经过 2年时间对沈阳地区的草坪杂草进行的调查统计鉴定 ,确定了沈阳地区草坪杂草种类及发生规律 .结果表明 ,常见杂草有 2 4个科 ,4 8种 ,其中蒙古蒲公英 (Taraxacummon golicum)、苦菜 (Ixerisdenticulata)、蓄 (Polygonumaviculare)、刺儿菜 (Cephalonoplossegetum)、车前 (Plantagoasiatlca)、荠菜 (Capsellabursa pastoris)、小蓬草 (Erigoroncanadensis)、附地菜(Trigontispeduncularis)、风花菜 (Rorippaislandica)最为常见 .春季 (4~ 5月份 )是草坪杂草高发季节 ,一年生、二年生、多年生杂草都有 ,杂草种类多 ,数量大 ,危害严重 .立秋以后以二年生或多年生杂草为主 .并对草坪杂草的综合防除进行了讨论 .
In two years,species of turf weeds were investigated and identifiied in Shenyang area.The regularity of their appearance can be definited.The results show that 48 species of turfweed can be grouped into 24 families.The major species includeTaraxacum mongolicum,Ixeris denticulata,Polygonum aviculare,Cephalonoplos segetum,Plantago asiatlca,Capsella bursa-pastoris,Erigeron canadensis,Trigontis peduncularis and Rorippa islandica.The climax period of occurrence for weeds is spring(from April to May),including annual,biennial and perennial ones.The weeds appear in great amount and cause svere damage to the turf.The dominant species in autumn are biennial or perennial weeds.Moreover,how to control weeds is discussed in this paper.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Natural Science)