知识分子是谁 ?他们该去扮演什么角色 ?这是知识分子研究当中的核心问题。知识分子是以某种知识技能为专业 ,同时深切关怀国家乃至全人类 ,永远保有一种对于生命意义、终极价值和跟宇宙世界接触的追求 ,承担文化使命的特殊阶层。在价值选择和价值追求方面 ,现代知识分子应当不怕闯入思想禁区 ,亦不再在学术—人文理想、道德—历史尺度的二维空间内逡巡 ,而是勇于直面知识分子“智慧的痛苦” ,高于浪漫 ,超于现实 ,超越传统的认知模式 ,自觉地将社会理想与专业理想结合起来 ,这也才是知识分子的本分。
Who are the intellectuals? And what kind of roles ought they to play? These are the central questions for the study of intellectuals at present. The intellectuals are a special stratum of the society who specialize in certain knowledge and skills but at the same time are deeply concerned with the fate of the nation and even of mankind, always in pursuit of the meaning of life, of ultimate values, and of communication with the universe, thus shouldering the mission of creating and transmitting culture. In the areas of value choice and value pursuit, the modern intellectual should dare to enter forbidden zones in their thinking, no longer lingers in the dichotomic division of scholarship versus humanistic ideals or that of moral versus historical measure, but bravely accepts the 'agony of knowledge'. He tries to transcend the romantic view of the world but also transcend reality and the traditional mode of cognition, and makes a conscious effort to combine social ideals with professional ideals, which is precisely the duty of the intellectual.
Academic Exchange
the intellectual, the humanistic spirit, modernization