博士后制度实行以来西部地区的博士后事业取得了很大成绩 ,但发展中仍存在着设站单位少、学科门类单一、招生规模小、优秀生源少、培养模式单一、经费不足、国际交流与合作不够等问题。目前西部地区的博士后事业面临着新的发展机遇和严峻的挑战 ,西部地区必须紧紧地抓住机遇 ,克服一切困难 ,采取符合西部地区实际情况的措施 。
Since the beginning of postdoctoral system, the postdoctoral work in west area of China has been improved apparently. But there are still many problems. Among this problems, limited postdoctoral stations, insufficient enrollment, single means of funding, lack of financial support and communication are the top problems. At present, there are more chances as well as challenges for it. We must make full use of these chances, overcome all difficulties and make great effort to develop postdoctoral work by more practicable and creative measures. Five measures are suggested in the paper.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)