目的 探讨端粒酶RNA(hTR)及端粒酶催化亚单位基因hTRT在睑板腺癌中的表达意义。 方法 用原位杂交法检测hTR及hTRT在55例睑板腺癌、12例霰粒肿、4例睑板腺腺瘤中的表达;用EnVision法对Ki-67进行免疫组织化学染色,其结果用计算机图像自动分析系统进行量化,把积分光密度值作为肿瘤增殖指数;用SAS统计软件包对影响睑板腺癌的危险因素(性别、年龄、病程长短、肿瘤大小、肿瘤分化程度等)进行分析,结合增殖指数,hTR、hTRT表达的半定量结果对影响睑板腺癌预后因素进行综合评估。 结果 hTR在睑板腺癌中的阳性表达率为84.45%,hTRT的阳性表达为51.8%,hTR及hTRT在睑板腺癌中的表达明显高于癌旁组织、霰粒肿、睑板腺腺瘤(P<0.01)。hTR与睑板腺癌的分化有关(r=0.455,P<O.01);hTRT与肿瘤增殖指数Ki-67有关(r=0.410,P<0.01)。 结论 睑板腺癌变过程中,端粒酶RNA(hTR)及催化亚单位基因hTRT对端粒酶激活具有上调作用;hTR阳性表达与睑板腺癌的分化状态呈负相关,hTRT与睑板腺癌的增殖有关。
Objective To investigate the correlation between the expression of telomerase genes and histological features of tarsal gland carcinoma, to evaluate the value of the telomerase genes as a marker of biologic potential and the clinical outcome in tarsal gland carcinoma. Methods The expression of human telomerase ( hTR) RNA and the putative human telomerase catalytic sub-unit gene( hTRT) were investigated using in situ hybridization (ISH) in 55 cases with tarsal gland carcinoma, 12 cases chalaxion and 4 cases adenoma. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect the expression of Ki-67 in tarsal gland carcinoma. All data were statistically analyzed using SAS. Results Of all primary tumor samples, the positive expressions of hTR and hTRT were 84.45% and 51.8% respectively, while in the adjacent tissues, the expressions of hTR and hTRT were negative. In 12 cases of chalaxion, there were two cases positive for hTR, and one case for hTRT. Neither hTR nor hTRT was positive in adenoma. The positive detection of hTR and hTRT in tarsal gland carcinoma were significantly different from those in the adjacent tissues, chalaxion and adenoma( P < 0. 01 ). The positive expression of Ki-67 was 78. 18%. Weak correlations were found between hTRT and Ki-67 index( r = 0. 410,P < 0. 01 ) and between hTR and tumor differentiation( r = 0. 455 ,P < 0. 01 ). Multivariate analysis revealed only age and duration but not sex, tumor size, histological patterns, proliferation index, the hTR level or hTRT level were as independent prognostic factors. Conclusion The results suggest that up-rgulation of hTERT and hTR may be important for telomerase activation in tumorigenesis in tarsal gland carcinoma. Detection of telomerase gene expression by ISH may be useful in retrospective cancer research.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research
sebaceous carcinoma telomerase hTR and hTRT expression in situ hybridization