诸葛亮作为中国古代传奇式的政治家和军事奇才 ,早已驰名中外 ,然而他同时还是一位卓然不凡的散文大家却鲜有言及 ,以至常常被人们所忽略。诸葛亮的散文具有很高的文学价值 ,本文谨选《诸葛亮集》中的几篇文章 。
ZHUGE Liang,as a legendary statesman and military genius in ancient times,is famous both at home and abroad.He was also an extraordinary expert in prose,but seldom mentioned in this field.His essays are of great literary value.The author only selects some essays from《ZHUGE Liang′s selective works》,and tries to show the value of his essays from the literary angles.
Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)