
新经济背景下合资企业与战略联盟的区别 被引量:2

Differences between Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances in the New Economy
摘要 从企业战略角度 ,以合作战略的两种形式———合资战略 (jointventurestrategies)和战略联盟战略 (strategicalliancestrategies)的差别性为分析对象 ,尝试认识在新经济背景下企业战略创造价值的两种不同方式。合资战略和战略联盟作为两种战略行动 ,共性是基于合作行为的资源配置方式 ,属于合作战略的范畴 ;但两者的差别体现出对企业而言截然不同的价值创造过程。合资战略本质上是企业组织内部化战略的结果 ,即在组织形式上趋向于母子公司之间关系 ,价值创造呈降低成本导向机理 ;战略联盟本质上是企业间关系变化的结果 ,这种企业间关系以协调为特征 ,既不同于市场交易关系 ,也不同于组织内部的层级关系 ,是内部层级市场和外部产权交换不可替代的产物 ,价值创造呈潜在的利润导向机理。 The paper, from the perspective of business strategy, analyzes the distinction between the two kinds of cooperative strategies, namely, joint venture strategies and strategic alliance strategies, to understand the different ways to create value by business strategy under the new economy characterized by economic globalization and accelerating technological innovations. The common nature of both of the two strategies belongs to the domain of cooperative strategy and is pattern of resource allocation based on cooperative behaviors. Their difference, however, presents completely different processes to create value for the firm. Misconceptions about the two strategies may lead to wrong justifications in resulted strategic actions and in turn have passive impacts on competitive position, competitive advantage and competitiveness of firms in market. The joint venture strategy is by nature the outcomes of organizational internalization strategy by the firm with organizational form moving toward parent and subsidiary companies, and is cost center in value creation. The strategic alliance strategy is by nature results of changing inter-firm arrangements, which is neither different from arm's length arrangements and nor from hierarchical arrangements within the firm, and unsubstituted product with inside hierarchy and outside property rights transaction. It is toward profit center in value creation.
作者 周建
出处 《决策借鉴》 2002年第5期2-8,共7页
关键词 合资战略 联盟战略 价值创造 Joint venture strategies Strategic alliance strategies Value creation
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