天台宗是中国佛教史上最早形成的、具有民族化特征的佛教宗派 ,它在两千年中国佛学的发展进程中 ,以其久远的历史、圆妙的思想、缜密的判教、完备的观行 ,成为汉地佛教的义学高峰 ,天台文化已成为中国传统文化的一个不可分割的、重要的组成部分。作为天台文化的组成部分的天台美学 ,因具有人生美学的内容 ,而成为中国传统美学 (人生美学 )的一个组成部分。天台宗从“天下万物 ,唯人为贵” ,而人又以“心为贵”的人本观点出发 ,来看待宇宙人生。它在对人生的哲学思考中 ,又特别重视对人的心灵的叩问。它以叩问心灵的本真为归宿 ,从而以心灵美学的形态体现出人生美学的特质。
Tiantai Sect is the earliest Buddhist sect of national nature in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In the 2000 years' development of Chinese Buddhism, it becomes the summit of Buddhism in the Han territory with its long history, perfect ideology, prudent account and complete performance. Tiantai culture is an indivisible part of Chinese traditional culture. Tiantai aesthetics, part of Tiantai culture, becomes part of Chinese traditional aesthetics (life aesthetics) for its content of life aesthetics. In its reflection of life philosophy, it stresses inquiry into man's soul and takes the inquiry as the end-result, so as to embody the property of life aesthetics with the form of parapsychic aesthetics.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)