目的 :了解增益型银汞合金黏结剂 (SuperBondDLinerPlus,SBDLP)修复时银汞合金黏结剂(简称A界面 )和牙本质黏结剂 (简称D界面 )界面的黏结性能 ,以及前者的黏结机制。方法 :以拉力试验机测试剪切黏结强度 ;扫描电镜 (SEM)和能谱分析 (EDS)观察二界面有效黏结面积、密合度和微观结构。结果 :剪切黏结强度平均为 2 6.70± 9.5 3MPa ,最大值 3 8.78MPa ;A界面与D界面平均有效黏结面积比为 1.2 3∶ 1。电镜显示纵剖面标本黏结银汞二界面均无微间隙 ,A界面银汞合金与黏结剂形成相互混杂结构带。能谱分析也证实此结构带中二类物质的元素分布态势。结论
AIM:To assess the bond strength and adhesive mechanism at the amalgam-adhesive and dentin-adhesive interface and the adhesive mechanism at the amalgam-adhesive interface of Super Bond D Liner Plus (SBDLP) bonded amalgam restoration. METHODS:Shera bond strength was measured by a universal testing machine. After sectoning of class I bonded amalgam restoration on molars, SEM and EDS were used for examination of the active area of adhesion and adaptability (sealing property) at amalgam-adhesive and dentin-adhesive interface. RESULTS: The average shear-bond strength was 26.70±9.53 Mpa. The highest value was 38.78 Mpa and the ratio of average active area of adehesion between amalgam-adhesive and dentin-adhesive interface was 1.23∶ 1. SEM revealed no microgap at both interface of bonded restoration. There is a distinct intermingle layer at the almagam-adhesive interface, which was further identified by EDS. CONCLUSION:The results revealed that the interloking strucmre of almagam and adhesive resin in intermingle layer formed at amalgam-adhesive interface is the possible mechanism of amalgam bonging.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry