目的 探索髁间嵴撕脱性骨折在关节镜下复位及钢丝内固定的新途径。方法 对 10例 (11膝 )髁间嵴撕脱性骨折病人 ,在关节镜监视下进行骨折复位 ,通过两根钢丝套环引出固定钢丝固定骨折。结果 术后随访 2个月 - 2年 ,9膝骨折块位置满意 ,2膝骨折块高浮 ,所有病人关节稳定 ,关节活动正常。结论 胫骨髁间嵴骨折 ,通过本法治疗 ,损伤小 ,固定牢靠 ,疗效满意。
Objectve To study the new method with fracture of the intercondylor emincence of the tibia under arthroscopy.Method The ten patients of the avulsed fragment was reduced and fixed with two wire under arthroscopy.Result All patients were followed up from two months to two years.The reduction of nine knee was satisfied. The avulsed fragment of knee slightly moved. All patients gained normal range of movement and anterior stability.Conclusion This method is simple and small,The fixtion is stability and the result is good.
Ningxia Medical Journal