高句丽与渤海是中华古代两大古族古国,它们之间的关系是中华史、东北史最重要的问题,也是国际学界的一个热点。在高句丽国时期,臣附于高句丽的乃白山、安居骨等 诸部,并成为高句丽向外扩张的重要军事力量,待高句丽败亡后,离句丽以及白山诸部多散人渤海成为渤海编户。粟未 知在其酋帅率领下于隋末内附,并参加随、唐征伐高句丽的战争。渤海国号来源于唐朝对大柞荣为代表的古大氏族团地望的尊崇。渤海王室为大氏,为渤海统治核心,高句丽遗 乃渤海六大右姓之首,为渤诲大氏王室之辅弼,并已融入而成为新兴的渤海的民族的重要组成部分。渤海族的形成标志以粟末部为首的 族已进入一个新的历史阶段。
Korea and Bohai are two ancient tribes and two countries of China. Their relationship is not only the most important problems in Chinese history and Northeastern history, but also a hot spot. They lived Mohe tribes near Korean Naibai Mountain and Anjugu in Korean period and became an important military force extending outward. After Korea had be defeated and destroyed, Korean and Baishan's tribes got into the Bohai as residents of the Bohai. Yaomo Mohe attached inside under the lead by chief of tribe at the end of the Sui dynasty. And then they joined the war between Sui, Tang and Korea. The name of country-Bohai came from respect to ancient big racial mass Diwang that present as Dazuorong of the Tang dynasty. The Royal house of Bohai is a big clan as the rule core of Bohai, Korean descendants is the first of 6 sur- names and assistance for the royal house of big clan of Bohai. At the same time, it melts into it and became a new impor- tant part of the Bohai's nationalities. Limo tribe as the leader of Mohe nationality if the formative mark of Bohai. It has already entered a new historical stage.
Heilongjiang National Series