本文通过采用文献资料分析和数量统计方法对 1998年 8月 - 1999年 8月美国的著名综合性日报《纽约时报》的体育信息传播的特点进行了研究 ,研究内容涉及了其体育报道的版式设计风格、栏目设置、体育新闻写作在文化上的差异、体育新闻写作中所折射出的美国主流新闻思想等等。结果表明 ,体育新闻是该报基本新闻版面之一。该报在体育信息传播的版式风格、栏目设置等方面独具特点。
With the methods of document analyses and numeral statistics, we finished the analysis and research of sports reports from August 1998 to August 1999 of THE NEW YORK TIMES--the most famous comprehensive newspaper in America. Quality of sports report, types of literature, layout of a printed sheet, columns and literary forms reflecting the main streams of American newspaper were included in our research. The results indicated that Sports News Columns were the important pages of THE NEW YORK TIMES and the quality of sports report, types of literature, layout of a printed sheet, columns and literary forms of THE NEW YORK TIMES have their own specific property which can be borrowed by the Chinese sports newspaper.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)