
法治兴邦 推动中国法治进程的14部法律

National Rejuvenation by the Rule of Law——14 Laws Promoting the Process of Rule of Law in China
摘要 法治兴则国家兴,法治衰则国家乱。历史是最好的老师,经验和教训使我们深刻认识到,法治是治国理政不可或缺的重要手段。什么时候重视法治、法治昌明,什么时候就国泰民安;什么时候忽视法治、法治松弛,什么时候就国乱民怨。新中国成立以来,尤其党的十八大以来,党中央对全面依法治国作出一系列重大决策,提出一系列重大举措,中国特色社会主义法律体系日趋完善。 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially after the 18 th Party Con-gress, the Party Central Committee has made a series of momentous decisions and taken a round of significant actions on the all-round rule of law, by which the socialist system of law with Chinese characteristics has been gradually perfected. Looking ahead, we should also be aware that, the road of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and the building of China to be an economically developed, politically clean, culturally prosper, socially fair and ecologically sustainable country upholding rule by law appeals for not only the leader-ship of the Party, but also the participation of the broad masses of the people. Looking back on the development of the rule of law in China over the past 70 years, we can see the Communist Party of China unswervingly sticking to the road of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics in the great course of promoting the rule of law and speeding up the building of a socialist country under the rule of law, continuously facilitating historic changes and achievements in the legal construction in contemporary China.
出处 《法人》 2019年第10期12-13,4,共3页 Faren Magazine
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