消磁电阻属热敏电阻一类,主要用于采色电视机自动消磁电路中。为了鉴定消磁电阻的性能,通常要测量它的时间——电流特性曲线上某些特定时刻的电流值。本文阐述了为此目的而设计的由T P 801单板机构成的自动测量系统的硬件组成及软件。
The erasing resistance which mainly is used in erasing Circuit of Color TV belong to a sort of thermistor. Us Currents on the Certain points of time Current Curve are often measured for the necessary of recognition of per formance. T he paper described the Constructions of hardwares of the auto matical measurement system which Consists of Tp801 single -board Com puter and the software for the purpose as stated above.