目的 :研究和比较色氨酸 (Trp)、异亮氨酸 (Ile)、甘氨酸 (Gly)、脯氨酸 (Pro)、苏氨酸 (Thr)、组氨酸(His)、精氨酸 (Arg)、赖氨酸 (Lys) 8种氨基酸对人外周淋巴细胞和植物根尖细胞姐妹染色单体交换 (SCE)的影响 ,探讨氨基酸的诱变性在人和植物中的异同。方法 :人外周淋巴细胞和植物根尖细胞 SCE。结果 :8种氨基酸都能显著诱导人外周淋巴细胞和蚕豆根尖细胞 SCE增加 ,但并不随着氨基酸浓度的增加而增加 ,而是当增加到一定程度后再增加氨基酸浓度并不能再增加 SCE频率 ;它们都能显著降低大麦根尖细胞的自发 SCE发生频率。但其降低的 SCE并不随着氨基酸浓度的增加而持续降低 ,而是当降低到一定程度后再增加氨基酸浓度并不能再降低 SCE频率。结论 :氨基酸对人外周淋巴细胞和植物根尖细胞 SCE影响是不完全相同的 ,甚至在不同的植物中也表现不同。
Objective: To investigate and compare the effects of some amino acids on human and plant SCE. Methods: Sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) was used in human lymphocytes and plant root tip cells. Results: 8 amino acids all induce dose-independent SCE in human lymphocytes and Vicia faba root tip cells, but significantly decrease SCE in barley root tip cells. Conclusion: There are differences of SCE-affecting effects of amino acids between human lymphocyte and plant root tip cells, even among different kind of plants.\;
Acta Academiae Medicinae Neimongol