目的 研究 5 .2 1Gy软X线局部照射后大鼠伤口组织细胞凋亡的时相变化及其与创伤愈合速度的关系。方法 采用大体观察、图像分析等方法观察大鼠伤口愈合速度变化。采用PI染色 ,结合流式细胞术 (FCM)检测细胞凋亡。结果 5 .2 1Gy软X线局部照射后 ,照射侧愈合速度明显下降 ,3~ 6天时段最显著 ;9天以后逐渐增加 ,12~ 15天时愈合速度最快。在 3~ 9天时间段内 ,照射侧伤口组织细胞凋亡百分数明显高于对照侧 ;与之相反 ,在 12~ 2 2天时间段内 ,照射侧伤口组织细胞凋亡百分数明显低于对照侧。结论 5 .2 1Gy软X线局部照射后 ,伤口组织细胞凋亡率增加可能是影响创伤愈合早期的机制之一。
Objective To study the relationship between skin wound healing and the phase changes of apoptosis of wound tissue in rats which were locally irradiated with 5.21Gy soft X rays.?Methods Rats were afflicted with trauma immediately after locally irradiated. The changes of speed of wound healing were studied by gross and image analysis etc. Flow cytometry was used to analyze apoptosis of wound tissue stained with Annexin V FITC PI.?Results Compared to control side, the wound healing speed of the side locally irradiated by 5.21Gy soft X rays was significantly lower,especially during 3rd-6th days;it increased after day 9 and reached top point during day 12 15. In the period of day 3 9 after irradiation, apoptosis ratio of radiation side increased, while that of control side remained relatively stable. During day 12 22, the apoptosis ratio of radiation side was lower than that of the control side.?Conclusion The results suggest apoptosis might be one of the mechanisms which caused healing delay after irradiation.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G19990 5 4 2 0 5 )