企业是一个有机整体。作为社会的公器 ,企业与社会又构成一个整体。这种二重整体性决定了企业经营管理必须从企业内部的有机联系以及企业与社会的有机联系出发 ,运用辩证思想对企业进行管理。这既是解决目前我国企业发展中所存在问题的需要 。
A business is an organic entity. As a public instrument, it joins society, which becomes another entity. This dual entity decides that business administration must start from the internal organic relationship of the business and the organic interrelationship between a business and society and carry out business administration with dialectic ideas. This is required for both resolving the problems of business development in China and for smooth economic development after the entry into WTO.
Seeking Truth