:“九五”期间 ,中国社会语言学稳步发展 ,语言调查成绩显著 ,语言规范和语文立法研究获得重要突破 ,文化语言学渐趋成熟 ,言语交际和称谓问题研究成为热点 ,社会语言学理论和方法开始与国际接轨。但理论薄弱、方法简单、学风粗率等等缺陷依然制约着学科的发展。文章综述并分析了世纪之交中国社会语言学的现状 ,指出了其发展趋势 ,并提出了“十五”期间应注重研究的 1
During the Ninth Five-year Period, social linguistics developed smoothly in China with significant achievements in linguistic investigation and breakthroughs in linguistic standards and language legislation researches. Cultural linguistics gradually matured; speech communication and titling problems have become hot issues, and the theories and methodology of social linguistics have begun to fit in with those of the international arena. However, weak theories, simple methodology, and simple and rash academic atmosphere and discipline still confine the development of the field of study. This article summarizes and analyzes the present situation of social linguistics in China at the turn of the century while pointing out its development trend and proposing the 15 major subjects of research that should be emphasized during the Tenth Five-year Period.
Seeking Truth