
巴黎高等师范学校的专业:怎样共存和竞争 被引量:1

The Disciplines of Ecole Normale Supérieure: Coexistence or Concurrence?
摘要 巴黎高师为使自然科学和人文科学两个部门在学校共处和竞争,在教育理念上仍追求自由和个性化教育,为使培养人才"菜单"是作为"跳板",而不是"模子",引进其他高校或国家科学研究中心的多种和经常更新的教学研究人员参加到高师学校队伍中。在专业领域,成立了"认识论学科部"、"环境学科平台"、"科学历史和哲学课题组",三个空间彼此互动。普遍开展法律教育,以使学生更好地服务于社会。以艺术为中介,要求师范生普遍涉猎多种艺术门类,以鼓励其在各个学科中的创造精神。 To ganrantee the coexitence and concurrence of the disciplines of physical sciences and humanities, Ecole Normale Supérieure has been pursuing the education of freedom and individualization as her educational ideal. To make the training manu of the school an access board rather than a matrix, Ecole Normale Supérieure invites the teaching and research experts from other colleges and national research centers to join her own teaching staff. Besides, she adds the faculty of epystimology, the platform of environmental science and the subject group of the history of science and philosophy to her institution. They form a special training mode in the way of spacial interraction and multi-cross roads. At the same time, the legal education is carried out to help her students serve society more efficiently. Ecole Normale Supérieure also encourages her students to cultivate their creativeness in various disciplines through the cultivation of arts.
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第6期36-39,共4页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 自由 个性化教育 互动空间 艺术跳板 education of freedom and individualization spacial interraction access board of arts
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