对于《西厢记》中《赖简》一折 ,许多人都作过精彩的分析。崔莺莺之所以“赖简” ,把张生大骂而还 ,其主要原因是张生误解了她的诗意。“待月西厢下” ,“疑是玉人来”应是张生在西厢等待“玉人”崔莺莺前来与他相会。理由有三 :其一 ,此诗不是王实甫所写 ,而是他引用元稹《莺莺传》中的原诗 ;其二 ,在古代诗词中 ,“玉人”一词专指女性 ;其三 ,在古代民间文学中贴近老百姓的作品中 ,女性对爱情的忠贞执着 ,往往超过男性。
Much has been studied on the episode 'Lai Jian' of The Romance of West Chamber. The reason why Cui Yingying laid the blame on Zhang Sheng is that Scholar Chang misunderstood her message in the love poem she wrote him. The message in 'wait till the moon's setting' and 'expect the fair's coming 'is that the person who is waiting should be Scholar Chang, and the fair who is coming should be Yingying. There are three reason for this: first, the poem is directly quoted from Yuan Zhen's 'Tale of Yingying', second, the term of 'fair' mostly refer to female in ancient poems, and third, the female's sense of loyalty and chastity to true love, such as described in folktales, is much stronger than that of male.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
The Romance of West Chamber
fair, implication