近年来 ,高校后勤的改革力度不断加大 ,许多高校都采取了企业化运行机制 ,高校后勤的“瓶颈”现象已逐步弱化 ,但行政垄断局面并未随之打破。高校后勤垄断具有历史积淀、利益驱动、观念误区等诸多成因 ,如不打破必然延缓市场化的进程 ,造成消费者权益和学校资产的损失。今后必须把打破行政垄断作为深化高校后勤改革的着力点 ,在全社会范围内配置后勤消费资源 ,引入竞争机制 。
In recent years, as the reform in college general service has been gradually enforced, more and more colleges have adopted the enterprising mechanism of operation. The ' bottleneck' constraints caused by the college general service on the college education has gradually been reduced. But the situation of administrative monopoly still exists. The situation can be attributed to such factors as problems left over by history, drives driven by benefits, the notions lead by misunderstanding. Were the administrative monopoly not revolutionized, it would surely retard the process of market orientation, and lead to the loss of consumers' interests, and colleges' property as well. In the latter works, the reform in college rear service must center around the revolution of administrative monopoly, to provide rear service consumption recourses, to introduce competition and optimize administration.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)