目的 评价我国近年来初治菌阳肺结核化疗实施现状。方法 采用临床流行病学方法 ,对全国 78个结核病医疗和防治单位 714 1例病人进行回顾性调查。结果 标准短化方案使用率为 75 .5 % ,一年疾菌阴转率为 94 .0 % ,总体治愈率为 92 .4 % ;不住院管理权覆盖率为 98.3%。综合医院结核病人转诊率偏低。结论 与以往比 ,上述前四项指标均有提高或显著提高 ,而综合医院截留病人是影响结核病控制的重要因素 。
Objective To understand the current status of primary treatment on the TB positive patients through the use of chemotherapy. Methods Retrospective study were carried out and the national data on 78 TB treatment and prevention units of 7141 cases were examined by the use of clinical epidemiology method. Results The rate of using standard short term treatment is 75.5%. The changed rate from TB being positive to negative is 94.0%. Overall the recovery rate is 92.4%. Among the all patients, the percent of outpatients was 98.3%. The rate of referred patients from comprehensive hospitals to tertiary care hospitals was relatively low. Conclusion Compared to earlier studies, the data in this study shows that the effects of treating TB patients have been improved in all aspects except the rate of referral.It suggests that keeping patients in comprehensive hospitals may have some negative impact and the administration of TB patients should be further strengthened.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
TB retrospective study treatment of TB