本文介绍了彩色抗静电胶片的研制。通过对抗静电胶片的特性分析 ,采用NBR/高苯乙烯树脂为主体材料 ,通过多种浅色填料混用并采用抗静电剂SN作为软化剂 ,以白色为底色 ,根据需求着色 ,可获得抗静电性极为稳定的彩色胶片。
The development of colour anti static rubber sheet was introduced The characteristic of anti static rubber sheet was analyzed and the colour rubber sheet with stable anti static was a achieved through using NBR/HS as main raw material,anti static agent SN as softener by blending some kinds of light colour filler,colouring on the white base according to requirement
Special Purpose Rubber Products