The Sifen biqiuni jiemo四分比丘尼羯磨text included in the Taisho Canon大正藏and regarded as a translation by Gunavarman求那跋摩,is identical with the section dedicated to the procedure of the full ordination of nuns(jiemo羯磨),allegedly rendered by Dharmasatya曇諦.Rather than accepting the idea that two different translators produced a completely identical text,we should consider the possibility of a confusion originating in the intricate history of the compilation of Buddhist Canon in East Asia.The Taisho Canon is based upon the Second Edition of the Korean Tripit aka whose woodblocks were carved from 1236 to 1251.The Second Edition is actually a revised version which collated the First Edition of the Korean Tripitaka,the Song Dynasty Tripit aka宋藏,and the Khitan Tripit aka契丹藏.Parts of the collation and editing records are found in Sugi’s守其Gaoliguo xindiao dazangjing jiaozhengbielu高麗國新雕大藏經校正別録.This catalogue bears testimony to the fact that of the Sifen biqiuni jiemo text in the First Edition was replaced in the Second Edition with the Khitan Canon version.Fortunately,part of the First Edition of the Korean Tripit aka,including our Si fen biqiuni jiemo,has survived in the collection of Nanzen-ji南禪寺(Kyoto).This paper is a preliminary study dedicated to the Sifen biqiuni jiemo.It examines the problem of the translator of the text as well as its different versions in various editions of the Canon.It also includes a comparison between the records in the Gaoliguo xindiao dazangjing jiaozhengbielu and the extant text of the Sifen biqiuni jiemo in the First Edition of the Korean Tripit aka.
Studies of Buddhist Culture