Multi photon ionization (MPI) in plasma is examined in terms of optical metric, and the quantum Volkov state in curved space time is derived. The cross section of MPI is derived by virtue of the corrected Volkov state within the framework of quantum electrodynamics (QED) formal scattering theory. It shows that the plasma medium acts as a suppression on MPI.
Multi photon ionization (MPI) in plasma is examined in terms of optical metric, and the quantum Volkov state in curved space time is derived. The cross section of MPI is derived by virtue of the corrected Volkov state within the framework of quantum electrodynamics (QED) formal scattering theory. It shows that the plasma medium acts as a suppression on MPI.
rojectsupportbytheScienceFoundationofShanghaiMunicipacommissionEducation( 0 0ZA14 0 15 )
andtheResearchFounda tionforKeyProjectofShanghaiMunicipalCommissionofEdu cation ( 0 119110 2 9)