
Crack initiation ahead of piled-up of dislocations emitted from a mode Ⅱ blunt crack 被引量:1

Crack initiation ahead of piled-up of dislocations emitted from a mode II blunt crack
摘要 In situ tensile tests in a transmission electronmicroscope(TEM)show that dislocations emitted from a modelⅡcrack tipwill form a inverse piled-up group after equilibrium or a doublepiled-up group when they meet a obstruction, e.g., grain boundary orsecond phase. A microcrack can initiates in front of the piled-upgroup of dislocations. Micromechanics analysis shows thatdislocations emitted from a modelⅡblunt crack tip can form a inversepiled-up or double piled-up group, depending upon the applied stressintensity factor K_Ⅱa, lattice friction stressτ_f and the distanceof the obstruction from the crack tip L. In situ tensile tests in a transmission electronmicroscope(TEM)show that dislocations emitted from a modelⅡcrack tipwill form a inverse piled-up group after equilibrium or a doublepiled-up group when they meet a obstruction, e.g., grain boundary orsecond phase. A microcrack can initiates in front of the piled-upgroup of dislocations. Micromechanics analysis shows thatdislocations emitted from a modelⅡblunt crack tip can form a inversepiled-up or double piled-up group, depending upon the applied stressintensity factor K_Ⅱa, lattice friction stressτ_f and the distanceof the obstruction from the crack tip L.
出处 《Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing》 CSCD 2002年第5期372-377,共6页 北京科技大学学报(英文版)
基金 [This project was financially supported by the special funds for the Major State Basic Research Projects (G19990650), Visiting Scholar Foundation of Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education PRC and by the NNSF of China.]
关键词 modelⅡblunt crack dislocation emission crack initiation double piled-upgroup modelⅡblunt crack dislocation emission crack initiation double piled-upgroup
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